Weekly US Stock Market Review – 6 Jul 2024 波浪理論/圖表派: 一周美股回顧


Weekly US Stock Market Review – 6 Jul 2024

The S&P 500 Index went up 1.95% this week and closed at 5567. We maintain the mid term trend for SPX is uptrend. The SPX has a rally week in the past few days to celebrate the holiday, which successfully break the 5535 resistance.

Our long-term labeling on the SPX is we are in the Super Cycle 3, after Super Cycle 1 bull ends at 1576 in 2007, and Super Cycle 2 bear market ends at 667 in 2009. We’re in the Cycle 1 bull market of Super Cycle 3. Cycle 1 wave have 5 primary waves, and Primary I finished at 2134 in 2015 (with 1467 points), and Primary II ended at 1810 in 2016, then we proceed to Primary III. We expect the Primary III will arrive 10,000 points.

In the medium-term, Primary III has 5 Major waves, where Major 1 closed at 3394 in 2020 (with 1583 points), and Major 2 ended at 2192, and we’re in Major 3 now. The Major 3 wave will have 5 Intermediate waves, the Intermediate i has already finished at 4818, and Intermediate ii has finished at 3491. We’re now in the Intermediate iii rally. Our initial target for Intermediate iii will be 7000-7500.

The Intermediate iii wave will have 5 Minor waves, which we have the Minor 1 at 4100, Minor 2 at 3764, and we’re in the Minor 3 rally of Intermediate iii. The Minor 3 will have 5 Minute waves, and we have 4195 as Minute i, 3808 as Minute ii. The Minute iii will have 5 Micro waves, Micro 1 at 4607, Micro 2 at 4103, Micro 3 at 5264, Micro 4 at 4953, and we are in the Micro 5 rally of Minute iii. The market managed to break through the 5535 resistance, which continues to extend the Micro 5 wave. With the extermely overbough status, we know the top is near, while we just don’t know if it’s there yet.

In the coming week, the short-term support lies at 5461 and 5535, while resistance is at 5594 and 5670. The short-term MACD enter a bullish crosss, and the RSI is at highly overbought status on Friday closing.

波浪理論/圖表派: 一周美股回顧 6 Jul 2024

本周SPX (標普500) 指數上升1.95%,收於5567點。我們維持中期趨勢是上行趨勢。本周市場大幅上漲,成功突破了5535 點阻力,也許美股也需要通過一個大漲來慶祝國慶假期?

我們長期對於SPX指數的判斷,是2009年熊市的Super Cycle 2667點結束之後,我們進入了Cycle 1 的牛市。Cycle 1細分成爲5Primary浪,其中Primary I2015年的2134點結束(上漲1467)Primary II2016年的1810點結束,我們之後進入Primary III浪。我們預計Primary III浪可以抵達10000點左右。

中期而言,Primary III又細分成5Major浪, Major 12020年的3394(上漲1583)Major 2浪在2192點,之後我們進入了Major 3浪。Major 3浪又細分成5Intermediate浪,其中Intermediate i浪已經在4818點結束,Intermediate ii3491點結束,我們目前處於Intermediate iii浪上漲之中我們給與Intermediate iii的初步目標是7000-7500點。

短期來説,Intermediate iii浪會分爲5Minor浪,其中Minor 1浪在4100點, Minor 2浪在3764點,我們目前處於Minor 3浪上升之中。Minor 3浪會分爲5Minute 浪,其中4195Minute i浪,3808點是Minute ii,我們進入Minute iii浪。Minute iii浪之中,4607點是Micro 1浪,4103點是Micro 2浪,Micro 3浪在5264點,Micro 4浪在4953點,我們進入了Micro 5浪。本周的市場成功突破5535點附近阻力,成功延續了Micro 5。考慮到市場的高度超買,以及負背離的出現,我們認爲短期頂部就在附近,只是我們目前無法確認。



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